Monday, January 9, 2023

glock 17 wiki

Glock 17 Wiki - Special Containment Procedures: SCP-XXXX ██ must be offloaded to a secure, on-site containment facility. Use of SCP-XXXX for purposes other than official testing is strictly prohibited. Test firings of SCP-XXXX will be conducted at the firearms range in Area ██. During testing, SCP-XXXX is to be handled, loaded, and operated by D-class personnel only. At least two armed guards are to be present in the testing area, ordering the termination of D-class personnel attempting to use SCP-XXXX for purposes other than official testing. All personnel must wear appropriate ear protection during the test.

Description: SCP-XXXX is a 4th generation Glock 17 pistol chambered in 9x19 Parabellum. Preliminary analysis and disassembly of SCP-XXXX revealed no anomalies or defects other than a missing serial number.

Glock 17 Wiki

Glock 17 Wiki

SCP-XXXX's anomalous effects appear when fired. When the trigger is pulled, SCP-XXXX discharges a bullet and ejects the spent casing like a normal pistol. However, the sound SCP-XXXX makes when fired does not always match the sound of a small caliber shot. The sounds SCP-XXXX makes when fired vary greatly in type, duration, and volume; including animal screams, human voices in different languages, audio recordings, cartoon sound effects, songs of different genres and [AWARE]. For a more detailed transcription of the sounds SCP-XXXX makes during testing, see the experiment logs below.

How To Make A Suppressor (with Pictures)

Different types of targets and ammunition, as well as the use of a suppressor, have not yet had a noticeable effect on the types of sounds produced by SCP-XXXX, although research is ongoing. Attempts to locate the source of the sounds in the SCP-XXXX mechanisms were unsuccessful. [DATA EXPUNGED] repeated firings at range of SCP-XXXX resulted in partial or total deafening of personnel within radius ██. Subsequent tests limited the firing of SCP-XXXX to one shot, and the researchers instructed the subject not to fire again until the sound produced by SCP-XXXX ceased. SCP-XXXX will not emit an abnormal sound when fired without a round in the chamber, even if the magazine is fully loaded.

Addendum-XXXX-01: SCP-XXXX was recovered on ███/20██ from an evidence box at the ███████ Police Department. An undercover agent working in the department alerted the Foundation after observing anomalous effects on SCP-XXXX during a ballistics test conducted by police investigators. A team was immediately dispatched to restore the foundation. Division personnel were doused with Class A amnesiacs and SCP-XXXX was extracted and contained without incident.

Shot 1: Above the trap. Frame 2: Sounds of a violent orgy involving at least two women and an unidentified animal. Duration: fifteen seconds. Plan 3: Frédéric Chopin Piano Sonata No. 2 in B♭ minor. Duration: eight minutes and fifty-two seconds. Image 4: Sounds of several small children playing. A young girl wonders aloud what Santa will bring her for Christmas. Duration: twenty six seconds. Image 5: Sound of distant lightning, estimated to be twenty to twenty-five kilometers from location ██. Figure 6: The message is transmitted in Morse code. The message is returned as "???" Unknown context. Duration: one minute and fifteen seconds. Slide 7: Slide 8: Slide 9: Slide 10: Slide 11: A four-hour loop of a thirty-two-second radio jingle announcing a revolutionary new form of table salt. Shot 12: Shot 13: Unidentified piece of music consisting of heavy percussion with occasional orchestral accompaniment. Duration: One minute and fifty-six seconds. Frame 14: Donkey braying. Duration: Three seconds. Image 15: Famous rock and roll guitarist B███ L██████'s last phone call to his mother before his disappearance on █.█.200█. The content of the call made by SCP-XXXX differs significantly from the official call transcript released by the ███████ State Police. Duration: Forty-three seconds. Image 16: Audio from the beginning of Stanley Kubrick's 1987 film Full Metal Jacket with character dialogue by Private James T. "Joker" Davis, Sergeant Hartman, Leonard "Homer Pyle" Lawrence, Private Robert "Cowboy". Evans and Private "Snowball" Brown speak from the text through a voice synthesizer. Frame 17: Audio recording of several people having a heated conversation in an unknown language. The sound quality is poor and the recording does not match any known audio recording in the public domain. Attempts are being made to recover the record. Running time: eighteen minutes and thirty seconds.

Subject: D5309. 46-year-old Caucasian female. Subject is a former Foundation researcher downgraded to Class D as punishment for improper use of SCP-███.

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Panel 1: Radio emission from the planet Saturn as recorded by the Cassini spacecraft. Duration: one minute twenty two seconds. Frame 2: Thirty-two minutes of saxophone solo. The soloist shows extraordinary talent, but the instrument seems out of tune. Shot 3: Originally believed to be four minutes and thirty-three seconds of silence, it was later determined to be an amateur rendition of music by composer John Cage 4'33. Frame 4: Sounds of a violent fight between a young woman and an unknown assailant. The woman screams for help during the altercation, while her assailant is silent except for occasional flinches. The fight ends abruptly with the sound of a sharp blow. Running time: six minutes and nineteen seconds. Image 5: Static from an unknown source. Duration: eighteen hours. Image 6: [DATA EXPUNGED] Image 7: Cockpit voice recording of the pilot of █████ Airlines Flight 259, a non-stop flight from Sacramento, California to Atlanta, Georgia on ██/██/199█. The contents of the log were unremarkable, and subsequent verification confirmed that Flight 259 arrived at its destination on ██/██/199█ without incident. Duration: four hours and thirty-three minutes. Image 8: A rhythmic pulse, corresponding to the sound of a human heartbeat, gradually speeding up before suddenly stopping. Duration: Forty-nine seconds. Image 9: A radio transmission consisting of a loud hum repeating at a rate of about 25 tones per minute. This hum sounds like it's coming from a device near a live open mic. Duration: one hour and sixteen minutes. Frame 10: Frame 11: Expression of an unidentified German speaker on a wide range of topics. Topics covered by the speaker include the benefits of an early bedtime, cannibalism of family members, and [CONTENTS]. Duration: fourteen minutes two seconds. Image 12: A loud crack that initially appeared to be the sound of a gunshot. Subsequent audio research confirmed that the sound was indeed a bull's crack. Image 13: Rumbling sounds of strangulation and pain from an unidentified creature. Duration: three hours and fourteen minutes. Image 14: An adult woman shouts the words "yes" and "no" several times with varying speed, volume, and intensity. Unknown context. Duration: three hours and forty minutes. Shot 15: Two minutes and thirty-three seconds of various electronic noises and tones with no apparent pattern or sequence. Audio analysis of the sounds yielded no results until researcher T█████ made a spectrogram recording. The resulting visual representation of the electronic noise showed a spectral image of an unidentified humanoid of unknown age, race, and gender, laughing and pointing in the direction of the researchers. Slide 16: Audio recording of President Ronald Reagan's speech to the United States in response to the Challenger space shuttle disaster. A comparison with the original recording revealed no major deviations or anomalies, other than a low, unidentifiable hum that was absent from other known recordings of the president's speech. Duration: four minutes, three seconds. Shot 17: Sound of toilet flushing. Duration: eleven seconds.

Image 1: A reading of Edgar Allen Poe's The Responsible Heart by an adult woman later identified as Spanish porn actress Salma de Nora. Duration: fifteen minutes forty one seconds. Shot 2: Shot 3: 56 minutes of celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay cursing out contestants on his reality cooking show Hell's Kitchen. Frame 4: the sound of raindrops hitting the glass. Running time: twenty-two hours and sixteen minutes. Frame 5: "The Host of Seraphim", a song by the Australian music project Dead Can Dance. Running time: six minutes and eighteen seconds. Image 6: The sound of a large jet plane. Investigators noted that the aircraft was flying directly over Area ██ at a dangerously low altitude. Inquiries from local air traffic control later confirmed that there were no aircraft in the vicinity of location ██ at the time of the test. Image 7: Sermon given by controversial fundamentalist Christian pastor S████ A███████ before the parish on ██/██/20██. Throughout the sermon, the pastor repeatedly calls for the killing of Jews, Muslims, homosexuals, witches, Democrats, and [LEGEND]. Duration: forty-eight minutes. Slide 8: The entire original soundtrack from the 2001 movie Swordfish. Duration: one hour seven minutes thirty two seconds. Image 9: Mating call of the American red fox. Duration: Eighteen seconds. Image 10: A fourteen-minute swagger of an adult male identified as Researcher D██████ who was monitoring Experiment XXXX-03 at the time. During the conversation, Researcher D███████ shows signs of severe depression and expresses a desire to end his life by suicide, listing unpleasant complaints.

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