Friday, January 13, 2023

glock 200 round drum magazine

Glock 200 Round Drum Magazine - Have you ever been frustrated when you couldn't find a genuine product review that you really wanted? I am trying to find out if the KCI Glock drum is a reliable store. I can find a few videos on YouTube but nothing answers my questions and I prefer reading to watching. Then it occurred to me: "Hey, you don't write gun reviews?" I ordered one for my sister.

Drum magazines may or may not hit the spot in terms of reliability, and the KCI Glock drum is very affordable for what it is. It made me nervous, but I bought it anyway. KCI is a Korean company that makes many different magazines for Glock, AK and AR. They are also very affordable, which can also be a sign of low quality. I bought both the drum and the lucky stick 33 and the lucky stick will be reviewed soon.

Glock 200 Round Drum Magazine

Glock 200 Round Drum Magazine

The KCI drum holds 50 rounds in 9mm and Model 40 S&W. Out of the box, it seemed sturdy and sturdy enough. Of course, it's a drum, but it's not big and it's not impressive. Make your Glock a mess. Let's be honest, with all guns that use Glock magazines, they will be used for a wider range of weapons than just the Glock 17. less recipients.

Glock Drum Magazines

The drum is made of nylon filled with DuPont fiberglass, according to KCI, and weighs two pounds. You have clips from the Gen 4 magazine for the ambi release. The drum will fit any 9mm double barrel Glock and I'm sure it looks amazing on the G26.

Downloading is really very easy. See those wings on the side? Pull them down and the built-in pusher will come down. Insert the cartridges, loosen the fins and pull again. He turns them around and allows her to continue loading the magazine. Aligning this last round is tricky, but it can be done.

You can really feel the weight of this thing when it's loaded. This is a tough girl, but fat girls rule the world.

I waited panting, putting in the magazine. Drums can be popular with choice. The KCI drum is not made in Austria or America, so it doesn't have a name, in fact it doesn't have a name. I loaded 50 rounds of Winchester Forged, the worst ammo I had, and hit the range.

Promag Drma35 Glock 9mm Luger 43x, 48 30rd Black Drum

It should be noted that the barrel will not load with the breech closed or the breech with the Glock 17 or Kel Tec Sub 2k Gen 2. I had to open the breech both to load the magazine into the gun during testing. Be sure to give the bottom of the drum a good tap to make sure it's seated properly.

I will say that I ran 150 rounds of Winchester steel through the drum and had no problems. It wasn't until the fourth complete reel that I encountered a single eject error on the Kel Tec Sub 2k. Surprisingly, these were cartridges in a copper sleeve. 200 shots in one day and malfunction.

For Kel Tec, the drum was perfect. With the design of the store, it is well organized and has a good feel. It's obviously a little heavier on the Glock and it changes the way you handle the weapons. With the weight of the drum down, it looks like it has a lot of lip curl but it's slightly raised, if it makes sense.

Glock 200 Round Drum Magazine

When the gun recoils, it all recoils, and when your wrist goes back with the recoil, the weight of the drum seems to pull the gun forward into the bottom of the magazine well. It's interesting, but I think if I can break contact with a gun, I can open fire in a short amount of time.

Auto Sears: The Return Of The Machine Gun

The KCI Glock drum works well and is a lot of fun. It's affordable, easy to summon, and gives you 50 shots of firepower. These magazines make me smile. A gun makes more sense, a gun is just fun. Sometimes fun is all you need.

Travis Pike was a former marine and gun enthusiast. Now that his 240B days as Charlie Parker on the saxophone are over, he's a regular guy who likes to shoot, write and find ways to combine the two. He is NRA certified as a Basic Firearms Instructor and is arguably the best firearms instructor in the world. He

When it comes to talking about him in the 3rd person and self-proclaimed tactical hipster. Hit him up on Instagram @travis.l.pike for story ideas.

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